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Open jobs: 4
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Professor / biträdande professor i logopedi (tenure track)
2025-01-15 07:00
2025-02-25 15:00
Äldre universitetslektor i pedagogik/universitetslektor i pedagogik
2025-02-04 11:00
2025-03-03 15:00
Postdoctoral Researcher within the Doctoral Pilot of Digital Waters Flagship (DIWA), 1.5.2025-31.10.2026
2025-02-06 15:00
2025-03-06 15:00
Professor i miljörätt med inriktning på Östersjörelaterad juridik/ Professor of Environmental Law with a focus on law related to the Baltic Sea
2025-02-10 11:00
2025-04-02 15:00